Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Close Reading Bingo

Common Weakness
    "His defiant and thick skinned nature jumps out when he explains that all the background information about his life is just "David Copperfield kind of crap" that bores him."
    This has phrases that are vague, which is common weakness number 3. Above is just one of the sentences to which I found.
2.Happy Go Lucky 
    "In the excerpt from The Mezzanine  by Nicholson Baker, he writes with an elevated refinement that is both dignified and straight-forward."
    This phrase is common weakness  is to vague which is number 3.

3.To Kill A Mockingjay
   "Baker describes his surroundings as "towering volumes of marble and glass" and "long glossy highlights to each of the black rubber handrails"."
   This phrase had punctuation was in the wrong place. Which is number 8 on the weakness paper. 
4.Bookworm Days
    "The language that used is not over sophisticated, yet it is neither vulgar nor blunt."
   This phrase was weakness number 6. the usage of  "use"

Best Overall 
1. The Average Life of a Teenage Bookworm
    "In J. D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye, the coarsely low-level formality, barefaced connotation, and caterwauling sound convey the matter-of-fact attitude the character has towards his situation. Salinger describes the parents as "touchy as hell" but also as "nice and all" which suggests that the character cares for his parents but has to give reason for not explaining his childhood. He has no patience for small talk or background information referring to it as that "kind of crap." The skipping of details infers the apathetic regard and reluctance of speaking about the topic and telling people his story in general." 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Mezzanine, Nicholson Baker

               The Mezzanine, written by Nicholson Baker is elegant, elevated, and also scholarly in the verbs being used. This excerpt was not extremely musical. It was also literal in denotation, as while reading it. Throughout the excerpt Barker used excellent verbs and description to explain all of the sentences.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Style Mapping

In the novel, The Hours written by Michael Cunningham shows a short begining paragraph, while in a hurry telling them to finish up she will be back in a few seconds. With all the intense cleaning going on around the house; it was voiceless at first until she had whispered her next comands. The Caddie Who Knew Ben Hogan which was written by John Coyne starting with a magnificent and adventurous begining; the melodic explaining going on. The soft and steady touch going on and being admited to the readers. In the novel, Grayson composed by Lynne Cox, wet and strong waters moving back and forth pushing around. Adventurous and exciting journey in the news front of what will become next of everything.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Great Book

This is a great book. Although it goes from ten years ago till recent, to a day after.. It gets confusing if you do not follow it exactly on point! I really like this book right now he is on trial and is waitingl the people there think he should get till death. The ones on his side think that he should get off, because he has some mental issues.... well that they are trying to find but none have been really found yet.

Friday, October 14, 2011


    This semester was a pretty good one. I had ended up with a few good books and would tell my mom that she should read one. I did have a book that was not really my cup of tea and it kind of was boring when I look back on it. Somee weeks I would make the page limit as others I would not. I tried, I get really busy and do not have time to read. Reading is almost in my everyday plan, but sometimes I cannot fit it in. I get really busy and are not really sure how I am going to make the page numbers. I have been getting into books more as I read then, because I am begining to realize what interest me and well what really does not. I am a slow reader as well, so that kind of puts me at a disadvantage. I will always have to put more time in to reading than some other students do.

New book

Nineteen Minutes, is the best book so far. The book is about teenagers and how there was a shooting at their school. Some died, some wounded, and some perfectly fine, were they on the list? That was the question. There were many hurt, but they knew who did it. He was mad at all the poeple on his list, but he did cross out one names and she ended up with some wounds here and there. The killer had killed her boyfriend though. She was upset and no one knew how to really tell her, because he had died in her arms as she did not want to believe he died.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Currently 10.11.11

Quote 1:
" It feels like a rattlesnake winds around in my stomach." The Chosen One
     This is a good quote, because I get this feeling a lot of times. It feels like butterflies, except she used a different metaphor. This only happens when someone makes you feel loved or even when someone scares you, or you are scared. Butterflies come into your stomach when you get really nervious. She was nervious for a bad reason, so now that I know this if something bad is going on and I get "butterflies" I might start calling them, "rattlesnakes"

Quote 2:
" I look back at her, and there I am again, in her sunglasses." The Chosen One
     This quote is good, because I am alwayhs in someone elses sunglasses if I forget mine. Sunglasses are the number one thing when the sun is out whether it is shinning in your face or not. When wearing sunglasses it hides what you are directly looking at.

Quote 3:
"Powerful and unforgettable will break you heart." David Ebershoff
     I like this, because it is so true!!! If you try and control things your heat will get broken many times throughout your own life. When you do not forgive people that will hold grudges around you and people will see the hurt. It is not hurting the other person; it is hurting you the most of all. the end of all of this is trying to tell you that putting things aside would be a better idea than just keeping them next to you deep within.

Wow, good ending.

i finished the chosen one! i enjoyed this book a lot! it is not the typical book i would ead but i pushed myself through it. the family had stuck up for her so she would n ot have to marry her nasty uncle. they had told the "prophet" that this was uncalled for and so they had told him and they did not enjoy the harsh words that was said to them, but they did not care. she had giot to be with the guys she fell in love with earlier in the book.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


The girl who is thirteen years of age has to marry her uncle. How grows is that? Her family thinks this is horrible as well, but she does not know that yet. this book is so good. I would not know what to say about having to marry my uncle. My uncle is soo annoying! I would be as upset as she would even because she is in love with another boy! They told the boy he had to move out and not to ever come or contact them.