Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Currently 10.11.11

Quote 1:
" It feels like a rattlesnake winds around in my stomach." The Chosen One
     This is a good quote, because I get this feeling a lot of times. It feels like butterflies, except she used a different metaphor. This only happens when someone makes you feel loved or even when someone scares you, or you are scared. Butterflies come into your stomach when you get really nervious. She was nervious for a bad reason, so now that I know this if something bad is going on and I get "butterflies" I might start calling them, "rattlesnakes"

Quote 2:
" I look back at her, and there I am again, in her sunglasses." The Chosen One
     This quote is good, because I am alwayhs in someone elses sunglasses if I forget mine. Sunglasses are the number one thing when the sun is out whether it is shinning in your face or not. When wearing sunglasses it hides what you are directly looking at.

Quote 3:
"Powerful and unforgettable will break you heart." David Ebershoff
     I like this, because it is so true!!! If you try and control things your heat will get broken many times throughout your own life. When you do not forgive people that will hold grudges around you and people will see the hurt. It is not hurting the other person; it is hurting you the most of all. the end of all of this is trying to tell you that putting things aside would be a better idea than just keeping them next to you deep within.

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