Friday, September 30, 2011


So school is going by fast some what! I am so ready to be done; my last day of school will be December 16 and I cannot wait!!! I am so ready for Christmas break and the time to come after that! I am not so sure what is going to happen in the long run, but all I know is I will be "graduated" from Homestead and moving forward with my life. Today is a freezing cold day not much to really do when its cold outside. We have a birthday party to go to it is my niece's. Looks just like her mother! I have a busy week ahead of me; it will be really crazy and packed.

Currently September 30

Pages: 88

Quote 1:
"Our trailer is so small we can hear one another's thoughts." The Chosen One
          I enjoy this quote and found it funny, because sometimes I feel like that is how it is in my house. I am looking forward to moving out and that is one aspect I look at our close will we really be!! AHH!

Quote 2:
"My heart just about leapt through the bones of my chest." The Chosen One
          I know exactly how it feels to think your heart almost jumped out of your heart!! It is a scary feeling, because there is nothing you can do to change the way you feel about it. Enjoying why she jumped made it all better. Her father had yelled at her to sit down when she wanted to get up; through, her father had never put a hand on her yet in the novel.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Book

The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams. I have not got to far in this book yet but it extremely interesting. the child who is 13 years old has three mothers and one father and a ton of brothers and sisters. Kind of like I have but only none of them are married anymore.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Finished Bossypants

I had just got done with Bossypants it was an extremely good book!!! I would tell every girl to read it. It basically shows how life is in other peoples eyes!!! And sometimes girls need to see it in other words, other than their own.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Quotes of the Month

pages: 104

"The teacher called me "Frankenstein Arms" because I would move my right arm in unison with my right leg, like Frankenstein." Bossypants
       I like this one because it is kind of hard to walk like this and she does it on her own. This is normal for her, it is just really crazy! I would have enjoyed watching that! It is so much fun to think about this and how she would walk.
"He used to say that if you picked a dandelion, two would grow back in its place."  Change of Heart
       I like this qoute, because they would always say that to me. I would always see if this statement was true. This is not very true!!!!!
"The questions are bullshit." Change of Hearts
        I love this, because sometime I just think to myself... that question can answer itself! and why would you ask it anyway expecially if you already know the answer.

The moment

This book is sooo funny!!! I laugh every time I read it. I do not want to put it down after I start. It is so realistic its crazy!!! no one can really put down the way of knowing how stuff works around the world, because its almost the exact same thing. The book is about Tina Fey's life in which case it is the way life used to be. It is similar to the way we live today as well in ways.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Real world

She would sit back and explain basically what we see now in a way. She had many gay friends in which case she was not even embarrased she would pretend that one of them was her boyfriend. In the end of all this she would go to parties with them and she would be the girl with all the gay guys while all the blonde girls were with their boyfriends. She loved being around them. She would always be honest with the men and would think of herselfl as having a ton of guy friends. She had a crush on one of them, but of course that was not going to work.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Top Three Claims

I love this claim from Case 1. This is my favorite movie of all times, well one of them!

This claim has a really neat picture, the claim is from  Kim's Corner. 

This is an awesome video from So many books, so little time

Monday, September 19, 2011

Genre: 9-19-11

Adjectives: tough, broad, big, talented, unusual, excited, graceful, adventurous, clean, colorful, open, super, alive, difficult, mute, modern, hot, and warm. 
Tone: aggressive, amused, brave, concerned, peaceful, explosive, passionate, complex, and complicated.
The dancing is adventurous and brave when flying high in the sky above all, man is gifted to be so high with massive intensity. Colorful when matching a partner,this in which case gives a dramatic effect off of one another.  The talented dancers are leveled with each other to become more of a real picture, with the dancers close their eyes so they will not be in fear.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Three Poems so Far!

1. Poem to be read at 3 a.m. written by Donald Justice
2. First Kiss written by April Lardner 
3. September Twelfth, 2011

"Poem to be read at 3 a.m"
    I like this poem, because it seems to amaze me that I am awake at 3 in the morning. I turn my lights on when I awake or I just turn the television on to give me some light. When I am awake at least one person drives by. I think to myself what in the world are you doing awake and driving for that matter.

"First Kiss" 
      I laughed when we read this poem, because it is humorous. I did not think about this when my first kiss would come about! I honestly did not want to deal with it, that's why I would not think about it. I would stop myself in think who will it be. The poem kind of explains what some people end up think about when it happens or at least about to.

"September twelfth, 2011"
      I liked this poem, because it showed how everything worked out. It gave details of how the world has changed. It made us realize that we still all do have freedom even though a terrible thing had happened. We did not have an understatement of what happened. This came to show what most citizens where doing. We were worried what the United States would come to and to be honest things did not turn out as bad as we all thought. We have lost many people since the attack, but nevertheless we are still one!

Currently 9.16.11

pages read: 99
Quote 1:
"The teacher called me "Frankenstein Arms" because i would move my right arm in unison with my right leg, like Frankenstein." Bossypants
I enjoyed this one because it is so hard to even remotely try and walk like that. everytime i try and do so i begin to trip over myself! So not easy how could she do this on a noraaml basis.

Quote 2:
"My generation carries that with us, only to be constantly disappointed by Kanye West and Taylor Swift." Bossypants
i enjoyed this as well, because this comes to show that her time did not haveto people on stage making rude comments. Kayne West was very rude to Taylor Swift when she did not even have anything to do with the voting! When we were watching it; we thought did that really just happen.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Just like Now

The book Bossypants is just like today. Tina Fey explains how blonde girls were more poplar when she was younger! She talks about all her dates and how they went about. She was just like all of us when she was young. Tina Fey was supprisingly more easy going when she had kids. She would always be herself and would not try to act like anybody else. The book is sooo funny! it just gives me more to think about when when book has details it makes me wan to look around and see if that is still the case today! I do not want to put the book down it is sooo good!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I started reading a new book its called Bossypants by Tina Fey. It is really funny. She kind of has a little how to live type way or when she was little how things worked. The book kind of still goes with the way we live!!!! She had no idea what becoming a woman consist o so her mother bought her a book and didn't say much to her about it. Funny it is kind of how I found out!


Pages read 274 I believe!
"God, I cried." Change of Heart
 I like this quote because she was talking to God in her own way many people have different ways.
"The questions are bullshit." Change of Hearts
I like this because that is sometimes what comes to mind when some people ask me questions. It is just really funny when you look at some of the questions people asked me.

Finished Change of Heart

it was an amazing book. It was very suprising at the end! it was extrememly crazy!!!! I was sad the book ended! they eded on a good/badd note. She was going to take the heart!

Friday, September 2, 2011


My boyfriend and I had went through Mike's Carwash. I had forgotten to close the sunroof and well you can guess what had happened!!! WE GOT SOAKED! That is my story of the day!

End of the Week

I have been reading Change of Heart. I did not read as much this week, because I was really busy.
Quote 1:
"He used to say that if you picked a dandelion, two would grow back in its place."  Change of Heart
I think this because almost everyone who talks about it says that samething. Now if it is true or not we won't know until it is tested.
Quote 2:
"If I didn't take Bourne's heart, Claire would most likely die." Change of Heart
I choose this one, because he had killed Claire's sister.
Total books this semester: 163 pages
Pages read this week: 62 pages

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Change of Mind

June changed her mind she wants to meet with Shay but for what?? Oh no so excited to see what will happen!!! I wonder if this will be a good or a bad outcome! I hope it is a little bit of both! If i was June I would have so much to say to that man. The things I would like to say would not be good either after he killed my husband and daughter!


Shay, the man who killed a father and a daughter in their own home, wants to donate his heart to the little sister so she can live. The mother, June, is upset because she does not know what to do about any of this! She thinks if she does not then her daughter might die and then she is thinking on the other hand if she does she might die anyway. She does not want Shay or anything of him to be left on this earth... Whatever will she end up doing? Will she allow him to give her daughter the heart she needs or will she make her wait? This is a very hard decision to make on June's part. She wants to do what is right but then again its the man who killed her husband and her oldest daughter.