Friday, September 23, 2011

Quotes of the Month

pages: 104

"The teacher called me "Frankenstein Arms" because I would move my right arm in unison with my right leg, like Frankenstein." Bossypants
       I like this one because it is kind of hard to walk like this and she does it on her own. This is normal for her, it is just really crazy! I would have enjoyed watching that! It is so much fun to think about this and how she would walk.
"He used to say that if you picked a dandelion, two would grow back in its place."  Change of Heart
       I like this qoute, because they would always say that to me. I would always see if this statement was true. This is not very true!!!!!
"The questions are bullshit." Change of Hearts
        I love this, because sometime I just think to myself... that question can answer itself! and why would you ask it anyway expecially if you already know the answer.

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